Chairman's Message

Dear Potential Partners,

Welcome to our website. I hope you find the information here interesting, relevant and useful.

As I look at our growth since we started our business about 50 years ago, I am extremely proud of what we have achieved during this time. We had successfully transitioned from humble beginnings as an incubation facility for SMEs, to a trusted partner with internationally acclaimed organizations.

Our mission was to partner with multinational companies in Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and it is very satisfying to know that we were able to support our partners in building strategic blueprints that enabled us to jointly integrate and operate pivotal aspects of their businesses efficiently and economically.

I am eternally grateful to have also been blessed with supportive teams who have dedicated themselves to our mission of delivering excellence.

The past 50 years had been a great journey that brought us to this extremely successful point in our group's history.

I am bullish about the future of Saudi Arabia and the UAE, and I would encourage you to explore the galaxy of opportunities that are awaiting you as visionary business leaders of today and tomorrow.